25 Foods That Fight Disease


By Kim Droze, Special to Lifescript
Published September 16, 2008
Diabetes. Cancer. Migraines. Arthritis. They are the debilitating diseases that can take a major toll on your life – or cut it short. Most people know the wrong diet can compound these conditions. But the right one can help manage, treat and even halt them. In her book Joy Bauer’s Food Cures(Rodale), renowned nutritionist Joy Bauer shares her prescription for a longer, healthier life – along with her list of mouth-watering, miracle-working foods…You are what you eat, as the old adage goes. Meaning: If you feast on unhealthy foods, you’re likely to end up unhealthy. However, if you opt for nutrient-rich foods, you can achieve overall wellness while treating common health ailments. So how do you give your eating habits an overhaul?

Bauer, one of America’s best-known nutritionists, has assembled the ultimate guide to helping you get on the fast track to good health. In her new book the Today Show nutrition expert shares her secrets for getting a handle on your health problems with simple four-step nutrition programs.

Each chapter in Bauer’s book is focused on a common concern or condition, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, migraines, mood swings, and much more. (See related story: Is Your Diet Making You Depressed?)

Lean proteins, high-quality carbohydrates, monounsaturated and omega-3 fats, and foods rich in water form the backbone of Bauer’s plan. She’s chosen foods proven to enhance health and cites scientific research that reminds us that, often, the best medicine doesn’t come from our medicine cabinets but from our plates.

“Food is medicine. It’s powerful,” Bauer tells Lifescript. “We eat every single day, several times a day, so we have the opportunity to take medicine that’s good for us or medicine that’s not so good for us. I can only provide the information; people themselves are in charge of creating the right mind-set to want to do this.”

The Diet Doctor Is In
Bauer promises that by following her plan, you will see significant improvements, including:

  • More energy

  • Better health

  • Lower cholesterol

  • Better-managed blood pressure

  • Fewer aches and pains

  • Better sleep

  • Healthier skin and hair

  • Reversal of damage that’s been done by a poor diet, including lowering and stabilizing blood sugar

  • Reduced risk of cancer (statistics show that 30% of cancers are diet related)

  • Weight loss
  • The equivalent of a one-on-one consultation with a nutritionist, Food Cures provides a virtual handbook that teaches you how to treat, manage and cure common health problems through proper diet.
    While she stops short of touting food as a cure-all, Bauer promises her plan will not only improve your health concerns but may even eliminate your need for medication.

    What’s On the Menu
    Below are Bauer’s five favorite foods to fight – or manage – five common health concerns:

    1. High-fiber cereal: Look for brands that include 5+ grams of fiber and 120 calories or less per serving. Good choices include Kashi Heart to Heart, Wheaties and Barbara’s Shredded Spoonfuls. (See related story: Got Roughage? 5 Reasons You Need a High-Fiber Diet)
    2. Cucumbers: High in water and low in calories, this cool, crisp veggie makes you feel fuller longer.
    3. Egg whites: Full of high-quality protein, this super food will rev your metabolism and help maintain lean body mass while you lose weight.
    4. Sugarless gum: Give your taste buds a shot of flavor as you prevent yourself from popping something caloric in your mouth.
    5. Hot skim café latté: Because it’s hot, you’ll sip slowly, which helps you to feel fuller; plus, the milk and caffeine keep you energized.

    1. Wild salmon: A good source of vitamin D, this fatty fish reduces the risk of diabetes.
    2. Turkey breast: Lean protein helps slow the absorption of carbs into the bloodstream, which slows (and prevents) blood sugar rise.
    3. Soybeans: Rich in omega 3s, this perfect combination of protein and high-quality carbs reduces the risk of heart disease.
    4. Nonfat yogurt: Rich in calcium, this healthy dairy product improves insulin sensitivity and helps control blood pressure.
    5. Swiss chard: A low-glycemic carb loaded with magnesium, this leafy green reduces the risk of developing diabetes by 33%.
    Cardiovascular disease
    1. Wild salmon: Full of heart-healthy omega 3 fats, this fish thins the blood and lowers triglycerides.
    2. Bananas: Rich in magnesium and potassium, this fruit helps manage blood pressure.
    3. Brussels sprouts: A good source of soluble fiber, these greens lower bad cholesterol.
    4. Oatmeal: Another great source of soluble fiber, oats help control blood cholesterol levels.
    5. Sunflower seeds: Full of soluble fiber, plant sterols and folic acid, this snack fights cardiovascular disease. Just be sure to get the oil- and salt-free ones.

    1. Omega 3-fortified eggs: Rich in omega 3 fats, these specialized eggs reduce the inflammation thought to cause migraines.
    2. Beans: Legumes are loaded with magnesium; a deficiency in this mineral has been linked to migraines.
    3. Skim milk: Milk is full of riboflavin, a B-vitamin that plays a role in energy production at the cellular level; lack of cellular energy is thought to trigger migraines.
    4. Ground flaxseeds: These tiny seeds are a big source of the essential omega 3 fats that reduce inflammation.
    5. Spinach: These leafy greens are an excellent source of magnesium.
    1. Red bell pepper: Like many colorful vegetables, bell peppers are rich in vitamin C, one of the nutrients responsible for the health of collagen, a major component of cartilage.
    2. Carrots: Full of beta carotene, this crunchy vegetable provides powerful antioxidants.
    3. Berries: Loaded with anthocyanidins, berries are antioxidant super foods that reduce inflammation.
    4. Oranges: A good source of vitamin C and beta cryptoxanthin, this citrus fruit supplies the nutrients known for reducing the risk of inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. It can also slow its progression and reduce pain.
    5. Pumpkin: This popular winter squash is rich in both beta cryptoxanthin and beta carotene.

    Four Steps to a Healthier, Happier You
    In her book, Bauer outlines a four-step program with details customized to each health condition, as well as a list of recommendations she gives her clients. The steps include:

    Step 1: Start With the Basics
    Step 2: The Ultimate Grocery List
    Step 3: Going Above and Beyond
    Step 4: Meal Plans

    It’s true that getting started can be hard. Most people find change a challenge, especially if it means sacrificing foods they like and are used to eating. But according to Bauer, once people begin to notice changes in how they look and feel, they’re more apt to maintain a healthy new lifestyle.

    “When anybody dives in and decides to change the way they eat, they think about the food [they’ll be missing],” Bauer says. “Once they start doing it for a few days, they feel so good they want to keep going. It’s hard in the beginning to give up your favorite not-so-healthy foods. But the payoff is so huge and you feel so great that it’s well worth putting blinders on to the garbage you used to eat.”

    Want to learn more? Get your own copy of Food Cures.

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